in-cosmetics Latin America logo on header
23rd - 24th Sept. 2025
São Paulo, Brazil

Your in-cosmetics Latin America experience starts here

Welcome to our Visitor Guide, where you can find all the information you’ll need to visit in-cosmetics Latin America in São Paulo, Brazil. Discover what's in store for you, from cosmetic ingredient sourcing to education.

Plan your Visit

Once registration is sorted, you’ll want to plan your travel to the event. Our handy Venue & Travel page will give you the information you need to know to get to Expo Center Norte.

Book Accommodation

If you need accommodation while you’re at our event, we’ve partnered with AD Viagens to help you get the best rates and locations for the duration of your stay.

Navigate the Show

Get familiar with the show floor and start planning your visit. The downloadable floorplan is the best way to find exhibitors and can be used on any device.

See the Exhibitor List

The reason why we're all here - the exhibitors! Start planning your days by checking out the exhibitor list and their products and saving your favorites. Be the first to discover new ingredients!

Learn Valuable Insights

in-cosmetics Latin America is not just about exhibition stands. The two show days have a wide range of conferences, product showcases, and seminars.

Start Sharing

We’re stronger together. That’s why we’re constantly updating you about the show through our social media channels, from Facebook to Instagram, and LinkedIn – Latin America.